
Showing posts from July, 2021

Malicious Damage – Is it covered?

  Malicious Damage – Is it covered? You’ve worked so hard to become a landlord and to offer your property to a stranger so they can have a roof over their head. It is a devastating blow when your tenant decides to kick and punch few walls, destroy the curtains to ease their frustration. With a small minority not giving any thought to the heartache and disappointment that their actions have caused to you, their landlord. The landlord is left to pick up the pieces that can also result in a large property damage bill. Insurance claims resulting from malicious damage or vandalism is very common and sadly will forever continue to occur. Many insurers can describe Malicious damage as being: a wrongful act motivated by malice, vindictiveness, or spite with the intention of damaging the property. The odd handle falling off the door, scuff marks on the skirting boards, poor housekeeping and a lazy tenant may not fit the description of “malicious damage.” Insurance companies ca...